
Regular Updates

8 May 2024

Meeting with Mentors

Today, I had a kick-off meeting with my mentors. We discussed the project details, initial proposal, milestones, and timelines. We agreed to use asynchronous communication via Slack for ongoing project coordination.

18 May 2024

Current Focus

Working on Issue #1

Progress Update

I have started working on the mappings for the RO-Crate to TES/WES conversions. The initial focus is on understanding the schemas and identifying the necessary properties.

Upcoming Milestones

Complete the initial mapping document by next week. Share the working document with mentors for feedback.

Note on Availability

My final exams have started on 10 May and will continue until 27 May 2024. During this period, I will be focusing on my exams but will continue to make progress on the project over the weekends.

Next Steps

Finalize the mapping document based on the feedback from mentors. Continue working on Issue #1 with a focus on implementing the initial conversion functions.


I will keep providing updates on Slack and through GitHub issues as we move forward. Looking forward to making significant progress now that my exams are completed.